Tuesday 4 February 2020

A day in the life of a chef - Part 1

4.25 am - Awaken to the sound of my alarm beeping. hit snooze and then head straight to the bathroom. Check my weight on the scales, then brush teeth, shave and shower. Get dressed, Black trousers, t-shirt, and pack my bag for work. Chef's jacket, apron and chef's cap into the bag. Always get them ready to go the night before as I don't trust sleepy me to get it right first thing.
Then to my kitchen for breakfast. Fill my water bottle with cold filtered tap water from the fridge. Boil kettle to make an instant Nescafe blend 43 with a dash of milk. Cereal is next, this week 2 weetbix, 15 grams of all bran for the fibre and 100 grams of fruit. This time of year peaches are good, sometimes blueberries and strawberries. Add to this 1 slice of wholemeal toast with either Jam, Vegemite, salami, ham, tomato, or cheese (sometimes grilled to melt). 
Whilst getting ready listen to Audio books with headphones on so I don't wake up my wife or the neighbours. At 5.15 am I go back to bed for 10 more minutes before putting on shoes (steel capped safety boots) and socks. Had previously just bought any black pair of socks but since late last year have tried to spend a little bit more on better quality, thicker socks in the hope of looking after my feet a bit more and soaking up more moisture. 
Into the car for the 35 to 40 minute drive to work. I continue to listen to audio books as I drive along and usually arrive at work pretty close to 6.15 am. I am 9 times out of 10, the first to arrive. The bread delivery from Bob and Petes is sitting on some empty milk crates outside the dumb waiter. The dumb waiter is not in the down position due to security concerns. On arrival I walk up the approximately 15 steps and use my security pass to enter the kitchen. I close the doors of the dumb waiter and send it down so that when the manager arrives she can put the bread boxes into the lift. 
I continue into the kitchen, unlock the coolroom, drystore and office with my keys. Then I turn on the oven which firstly refills the chamber which provides the water to the oven for steaming. There is a large bolt on the inside back wall of the oven which needs to be released at the end of each day to drain the water. Not sure how important it is to do this but it does say it on the bolt itself.
I then use the lighter to light the pilot lights on the stove top. Only 3 of the 6 stove spaces have working pilot lights, though the other 3 can be lit when needed. I then turn on the deep fryer which requires turning the gas handle on it's left hand side to the on position and then clicking it on in a not dissimilar way to how you turn on a gas barbecue. After this I keep moving and turn on the extractor fan and then the dishwasher and the lights to the entire kitchen. I usually turn the lights on after lighting the stove as I like the contrast of the blue flames in the darkened room. 
6.20 am I grab all the Hot baine trays that I need for the breakfast items, so that is 2 long trays and 2 halves. I put the fry pan on it's place on the stove top plus a 1/3 tray with 2 plastic spatulas and tongs with plastic ends so that I won't damage the non stick fry pan. If I haven't trayed up my mornings bacon the day before then I will get 4 trays ready for that as well. I move a fryer basket and a green chopping board to their appropriate places. The board on top of a rubber mat to prevent slipping when you are cutting. 
I will continue on next time, happy cooking  

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